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Здравствуйте. Нашла этот вид в Нижнем Новгороде. Видимо тоже откуда-то завезли.
Сегодня утром получил сообщение из Борка, что наша заявка на проведение конференции, поданная в РФФИ, получила поддержку фонда.
57 лет в Институте он проработал. Похороны в субботу. Игорь Моисеевич родился 28 сентября 1934 года в г. Свердловске. В 1958 г....

Счетчики и реклама

Terrestrial molluscs of the Tsyr-Pripyat area in Volyn (Northern Ukraine): the first findings of the threatened snail Vertigo moulinsiana in mainland Ukraine

Balashov I., Yarotskaya M., Filatova J., Starichenko I., Kovalov V. Terrestrial molluscs of the Tsyr-Pripyat area in Volyn (Northern Ukraine): the first findings of the threatened snail Vertigo moulinsiana in mainland Ukraine // Vestnik zoologii. – 2017. – 51 (3). – P. 251–258.

26 species of terrestrial molluscs were found in the studied area, including the rare and globally threatened Vertigo moulinsiana that is listed in “Habitats Directive” of the EU and in numerous red lists. Until now it was known in Ukraine only by one population in the Crimea that became extinct in 2014. Its conservation status, taking threats into account, is considered to be “Critically Endangered” on the national level in Ukraine. The characteristics of the phytocenoses to which it is restricted and the associated molluscan faunas are discussed.

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Balashov et al., 2017 (V. moulinsiana).pdf1.21 Мб