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57 лет в Институте он проработал. Похороны в субботу. Игорь Моисеевич родился 28 сентября 1934 года в г. Свердловске. В 1958 г....

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Форум малакологов

The Meeting of the Americas Mexico City, 23-27 June 2014
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Автор:  Konstantin Lutaenko [ 20 мар 2013, 17:39 ]
Заголовок сообщения:  The Meeting of the Americas Mexico City, 23-27 June 2014

The Meeting of the Americas
Mexico City, 23-27 June 2014Mollusca 2014: The meeting of the americas

Mollusca 2014 will be held at the Library Complex Amoxcalli in the Facultad de Ciencias, the Universidad National Autónoma de Mexico.

We are expecting a wide global participation in the Congress, and anticipate highlighting the tremendous progress in molluscan research of the Americas. Oral talks and posters will be considered on any topic related to mollusks including, but not limited to, taxonomy, ecology, biology, evolution, fisheries, and the distribution and conservation of marine, terrestrial, and freshwater mollusks.

For further information contact Paul Valentich-Scott at pvscott@sbnature2.org.


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